Global star Ram Charan and his charming wife, Upasana Kamineni Konidela, recently embarked on a glamorous journey to Paris to celebrate the wedding of their dear friend, Rosemin Madhavji. The power couple not only graced the grand event but also stole the show with their impeccable style and matching ensembles.
Let’s delve into the details of their Parisian escapade and their stunning fashion choices that left everyone in awe.
Ram Charan, known for his suave and charismatic presence, made quite the statement at the wedding. He was dressed in a breathtaking all-gold ensemble by Faraz Menon. The outfit exuded opulence and style, making him look dapper and dreamy. His choice of attire perfectly complemented the grandeur of the event and added a touch of regal charm to his persona.
Upasana, always an epitome of elegance, donned a rich brown Anarkali suit adorned with heavy and intricate gold work. The Anarkali suit accentuated her grace and style, showcasing her penchant for fashion with a touch of tradition.
As they posed with their friends, it is clear that Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela’s presence at Rosemin Madhavji’s wedding in Paris was not just about attending a grand celebration- it was a fashion statement and a display of their enduring love. Their stunning matching ensembles turned heads, and their genuine moments with friends made it a heartwarming affair.