Bengaluru, August 18, 2023: Rapido, an aggregator platform which provides auto services, as part of their ongoing Auto Dost initiative, has announced the launch of new benefits that includes Unlimited Cancellations, Customer Cancellation Incentives, and Transparent Fare Price Policy, at the recent Rewards and Recognition (R&R) event in Bengaluru. These measures are aimed at benefiting 5 lakhs Rapido auto captains who are currently based out of Bengaluru city. It will ensure that the auto Captains are provided with more flexibility, enabling them to navigate the constant dynamic landscape of ride-hailing.

During the recent Rewards and Recognition (R&R) event, Rapido unveiled an array of innovative initiatives, with a primary focus on creating a more supportive and rewarding environment for their valued Auto Captains. The event celebrated the outstanding dedication of Bengaluru’s Auto Captains, pivotal to Rapido’s citywide success. Exceptional performers were recognized and other tokens, highlighting their unwavering commitment to maximizing city rides. This event reinforces Rapido’s commitment to cultivating optimal working conditions for their auto captains by introducing these incentives to enable their professional growth.

As part of its ongoing Auto Dost Initiative, which prioritises the satisfaction of its Auto Captains and passengers, Rapido Auto has introduced the following initiatives:

● Pick-Up Charge Enhancement: Rapido Auto understands the significance of time and effort invested by its Auto Captains in reaching passengers promptly. In this regard, the company is introducing a nominal pick-up charge of 10 rupees for every order

● Lowest Commission Structure: With commissions upto 15 rupees, Rapido Auto is committed to ensuring that its partners retain a significant portion of their earnings, allowing them to achieve higher financial stability.

● Customer Cancellation Incentive: To further value the time and efforts put by Auto Captains, Rapido Auto is introducing a customer cancellation incentive of 10 rupees. The amount is paid to the captain on Rapido’s behalf as an attempt to recognise and acknowledge their service.

● Transparent Fare Pricing Policy: This initiative empowers Auto Captains to better understand the fare structure and provides them with transparent insights into their earnings, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.

● Fare Guarantee Policy: For rides concluding early, when the captain covers less distance than planned, the initiative guarantees payment of the full original fare to the auto captains. For any travel beyond the original distance, a recalculated fare is provided, ensuring that the auto captains are fairly compensated for their efforts.

● Captain cancellations: In order to offer greater flexibility to their Auto Captains, Rapido Auto helps them manage their rides by allowing them to cancel orders as per their convenience everyday

According to Pavan Guntupalli, Co-founder of Rapido, the event celebrates commitment and quality among their driver-partners, who contribute to the company’s success. He further adds, “Innovation has always been at the core of Rapido Auto’s mission, and these new features falling under Rapido’s ongoing Auto Dost initiative reflect our commitment to revolutionising the ride-hailing experience for both Auto Captains and passengers. The introduction of a nominal pick-up charge, unlimited cancellations, the lowest commission structure, a customer cancellation incentive, and our transparent fare price policy are not just improvements; they’re steps towards transforming the way Bengaluru’s auto-rickshaw community operates. These initiatives are a win-win for everyone involved. For our Auto Captains, they mean enhanced income and a more predictable earnings structure, allowing them to better plan for their future.

Furthermore, in the upcoming months, Rapido Auto is poised to roll out a series of transformative initiatives, including Micro Loans, Travel Time Charge Compensation, and Family Health Insurance. These initiatives are strategically designed to empower Bengaluru’s Auto Captains, fostering financial independence within the dynamic auto-rickshaw community. The introduction of unlimited cancellations addresses a longstanding concern – making rides even more accessible and flexible for our passengers.