In a riveting and insightful episode of News18 India renowned show “Aar Paar,” hosted by the esteemed journalist Amish Devgan, the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Harinder Puri, discussed the monumental achievement of the historic landing of Chandrayaan 3 on August 23, 2023. The exclusive interview shed light on the remarkable journey of India’s space exploration and the role of visionary leadership in making this mission a resounding success.
During the interview, Hardeep Puri expressed his elation and heartfelt congratulations to every Indian on this auspicious day. He emphasized that India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has transformed into a symbol of strength and courage, akin to the “Gold of Lion.” He recalled the challenging times in 2019 when setbacks tested the resolve of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), highlighting Prime Minister Modi’s unwavering support that inspired and motivated the scientists to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
Responding to queries about political discourse surrounding the mission, Hardeep Puri categorically stated that the focus should remain on celebrating the technological and scientific advancements rather than indulging in partisan discussions. He urged the nation to stand united and appreciate the achievements that are a testament to India’s progress. Hardeep Puri’s strong stance underlined the importance of recognizing ISRO as a symbol of national pride and unity.
Furthermore, when questioned about the debate over historical credit, Puri highlighted that this success belongs to the entire nation and should not be overshadowed by political attributions. He questioned the prevalence of names of certain figures on museums and projects, suggesting that the nation’s accomplishments should be a collective narrative rather than partisan affiliations.
In another captivating interview on the same show, Amish Devgan engaged in a conversation with Mr. Jitendra Singh, the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for the Ministry of Science and Technology and Minister of State for Prime Minister’s Office; Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions; Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Space. Mr. Singh shed light on the paradigm shift in space exploration under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership.
Mr. Jitendra Singh commended the visionary decision to open the gates of Siharikota for public viewing during the Chandrayaan 3 launch. He celebrated the newfound opportunities that this step has provided to India’s talented scientists and researchers. He noted that under Prime Minister Modi’s guidance, India has embraced a new era of space exploration where the nation’s citizens are actively participating and contributing to the mission’s success.
Referring to the attempts to claim credit, Mr. Singh emphasized that Chandrayaan 3’s success is not bound by political lines; rather, it’s an endeavour that unites the nation. He pointed out that the mission has sparked a sense of ownership among every individual, and it is a demonstration of India’s collective prowess.
Moreover, the show extended its reach to include exclusive conversation with the eminent Baba Ramdev. Baba Ramdev’s reflections celebrated the nation’s achievement, acknowledging India as the first victor in the endeavour. His words resonated with pride for the scientists and particularly for the women who played a significant role in the mission’s success. His confidence during the critical 17 minutes echoed his trust in the hard work of scientists and the collective blessings of the nation.
Baba Ramdev’s sentiment underscored the valour of India’s scientists, the vision of the Prime Minister, and the policies that have laid the foundation for future missions. His insights further enriched the tapestry of the show, illuminating the multifaceted aspects of Chandrayaan 3’s historic landing.
These interviews on “Aar Paar” underscore the exceptional achievement of Chandrayaan 3 and the role of visionary leadership in driving India’s advancements in space exploration. The resounding message from both Ministers Harinder Puri and Mr. Jitendra Singh and Baba Ramdev is clear: this historic success is a testament to India’s unity, innovation, and indomitable spirit.