A passenger named Mr. Younus Rayanroth had a cardiac arrest on the airborne GO FIRST flight which was traveling from Kannur to Dubai (G8 – 057). As the passenger shouted for help, the GO FIRST cabin crew immediately ran towards the passenger and found him unconscious with no pulse and no breathing. Not a second was wasted, with help of other passengers the casualty was placed on the aft galley floor and the crew began the Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) process. Fortunately, a doctor named Dr. Shabar Ahmed was also traveling on the same flight, he treated the casualty with 2 sets of AED (Automated external defibrillators) shock followed by 5 Sets of CPR. The doctor together with the cabin crew resuscitated the customer back to life!

Later on, the casualty was put on the Oxygen and placed in a recovery position, and he eventually regained consciousness. Meanwhile, the crew executed effective crowd control, looked after other customers, and kept the cockpit crew informed with regular updates on the medical situation. The passenger Mr. Younus Rayanroth was then finally disembarked on a wheelchair as the flight made a scheduled landing in Dubai.

Keeping the above incident into consideration, the GO FIRST has decided to felicitate the cabin crew with a cash reward. GO FIRST has also given a complimentary free ticket to both the Doctor and the Passenger to fly to any domestic or international sector on the GO FIRST network.

GO FIRST Cabin Crew intelligently and successfully handled and helped a passenger recover from a heart attack while the aircraft was airborne.