Bengaluru, November 21st, 2022: In the context of new policy amendments being introduced by the government for the education sector, Swami Sarvapriyanandaji Maharaj, minister of the Vedanta Society of New York delivered a discourse for the students and faculty at RV University on the importance of ‘Value Oriented Education. During his discourse, he emphasized the importance of faith and inner strength in one’s life. He also stressed the current mental health crisis faced by the younger generation around the world and proposed that practicing any spiritual activity would help people deal with mental health issues.
The discourse was followed by an interactive session between Swami Sarvapriyananda and the students of RV University moderated by Dr. Sanjay Chitnis, Dead, School of Computer Science & Engineering. The students raised questions about the caste system, relationships, and understanding spirituality in today’s time and related books that they can refer to.
The purpose of the discourse was to reflect on the current education system and its correlation with value-based education. The discourse was organized by the School of Computer Science & Engineering in line with the University’s vision to provide a strong platform to promote tolerance and understanding above our political, cultural, and religious differences, putting special emphasis on the defense of human rights.
On this occasion, Prof. (Dr) YSR Murthy, Vice Chancellor, RV University said, “Being a proud alumnus of Sri Ramakrishna Mission educational institutions, I am deeply grateful for the values and the learning taught to me during my formative years. All of us are looking for answers to questions about our true purpose in this world and our success in life is well-knit with finding the right answers to these questions. Education is not merely an acquisition of knowledge and skills but is ‘Education for Life. We are deeply grateful to Swami Ji to bless us with his presence today and inspire us and the students of RV University with his discourse.”