Mumbai, 21st November 2022: SOS Children’s Villages of India, the largest self-implementing childcare NGO of the country, organizes Tarang 2022, a four-day annual, cultural and sports festival to boost creativity and abilities among children. The grand finale took place after months of intense preparations and great performances. A wide spectrum of competitions was organized including song, dance, science projects, volleyball, and football, among others.
Tarang serves as an exceptional platform for children to showcase and boost their creativity and abilities. All children, Mothers, caregivers and co-workers, at SOS Children’s Villages of India show a of enthusiasm, and take part in every possible way, with a lot of zest. The event, each year, celebrates the Right to Participation.
Mr. Sumanta Kar, Secretary General, SOS Children’s Villages of India, said, “Tarang 2022 is being organized, on-site, after a long gap, owing to restrictions posed by the pandemic. This platform serves as an integral feature of securing wholesome child development, which serves as the crux for all our initiatives. Such events are important to enhance the physical, emotional mental well-being of children and we applaud the efforts placed by them in participating so enthusiastically in the event.”
Tarang serves as a platform for children to showcase their abilities, creativity and skills to a wide audience, learning, sharing, and growing in the bargain. Each year, Tarang has had something unique to offer; this year, Tarang 2022 not only saw the enthusiastic and motivated participation of Mothers, children, and co-workers of SOS Children’s Villages of India, but also the sharing of personal journeys and messages pertaining to the festival.
685childrenparticipated and showcased their talents in a series of inter-zonal activities and performances organized over the last few weeks. About 156 children were adjudged the winners in the zonal-level competitions. These winners competed in the grand finale and 39winners, therefrom, were felicitated.
SOS Children’s Villages of India is impacting more than 45,000 children, every year, through its Basket of Care Solutions.