Over 1000 participants run for water conservation in IPA Neerathon 2023

Bengaluru 10 April, 2023: Over 1000 participants took part in IPA Neerathon 2023, a water awareness festival run, which was flagged off today from St. Joseph’s Indian High School Grounds by Maj Gen. Vikram Dev Dogra, recipient of the Sword of Honour and Presidents Gold Medal at the Indian Military Academy. He completed Ironman Austria at the age of 58 in 14 hours and 20 minutes on 01 July 2018 to become the first Serving Indian Army officer and the only general in the world to do so.

Other dignitaries at the flag off included K C Pani (Pacemakers coach), Siddeshwar (Senior runner) and IPA members. Run Ambassadors, Aakansha, Bharani, Deepa, Mamta, Ruby, Farheen, Shweta, Lovina Balani, Sangamitra, Karthik, Praveen, Simta, Lakshminarayanan, Balasubramaniam and Pacers motivated the participants during the run.

Speaking at the inauguration, Mr. B K Prasad, Convenor Indian Plumbing Association, Bengaluru Chapter said, “The response and the enthusiasm that we have received for IPA Neerathon 2023 has been phenomenal. We are confident that each participant will take the message of water conservation not only back to their families, but to the society at large. We are grateful to the participants for showing up in such large numbers. Every small step taken to conserve water by each individual would greatly help our future generations”

First three winners of men and women in different age groups including under 16 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50 and 60 plus, in the 10K, and 5K runs were felicitated, while every participant was awarded an e-certificate and medal of appreciation.