DIY exhibiton

Kolkata, 19th July 2023: First DIY exhibition hosted by ORCHIDS The International School, Newtown by grades 6 & 7 students. They displayed different DIY items they had learned to make in class for a year. The products ranged from Handmade soaps, handmade bookmarks, desk waste bins, and handmade lotions. All items were put on sale and students sold their products to higher grade students and the school staff.

Along with the DIY exhibition, the students also enhanced their Public speaking and FLP (financial literacy) skills which are part of the curriculum. They were confidently responding to the bargaining and discounts that the buyers had. They also observed what makes a product’s price different from one another, and at the same time, they also calculated the profit and loss margin of their sales. They were also pitching their products to the customers, which showed their expertise in public speaking.

Dr Paramita Mishra, VP of Academics, ORCHIDS The International School, Kolkata, said, “It was a delight to watch our students hosting a DIY exhibition and bargaining with the products. Honestly speaking, I was also one of the buyers, and I felt so proud when my students explained the product and price so confidently. I think this kind of activity will boost the public speaking abilities and entrepreneurial spirit among the students.”