City’s school goes bagless once a month extensively from class one 1 to 11. And the response is overwhelming Dr. K. Suvarna, Principal of St. Peter’s High School, Bowenpally.
St. Peter’s High School is one of the very few schools that have gone bagless. While others have gone symbolically, May be for higher classes, this school has gone with full force. All the 2500 students of the school don’t carry books once in a month. Looking at the overwhelming response from all stakeholders like students, parents and teachers, we will explore going bagless for twice a month at-least in a future, Dr. K. Suvarna adds.
It is Bagless’ Saturday in all government schools in Raipur.
National Education Policy recommended 10 bag-less days a year. Taking cue from there, more and more schools are thinking of going bagless informs Mrs. T. Aruna Reddy, Director St. Peters High School.
We make a school a different experience to students by introducing many engaging initiatives like this and many adds Mr. T.A. Reddy, Correspondent of the school.
We examine what is bagless school or a day for students?
It is burden free says Nethra Singh, a student of fourth class in St Peter’s High School.
Bagless days are fun learning adds Ridhima, another student of the same school.
lt aims to provide the experiences for physical, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, spiritual and social development of the child through creative and interactive was. Many salient students opened up in these classes shared Ms. Neelam Sharma who teaches in the school.
Our Communication is Wireless
Our Business Transactions are Cashless
Our Offices are Paperless
Our food is fatless
Our Cooking is fireless
Our Greetings are touchless
Our Voting is Electronic
Our IT Return filing is Faceless
Our classes were online and virtual
And why can’t we have bagless schools asks Dr. K. Suvarna. I am not saying that all days must be bagless. At least few days in a month can be bagless she says.
Kids like them because there is no homework. They are free from heavy load of bags. And learning becomes fun. There is a fun, surprise element. It is inclusive. That is why all are liking it says Dr K. Suvarna.
Schools and classes become routine and mundane something unique must happen to excite children. And the bagless days adds that excitement shares Ms Geetanjali, another teacher of the school who teaches EVS subject.
Govt stated that the weight of the school bag should not exceed 10% of the student’s weight. Bagless day some relief to reduce burden, pressure since it is activity oriented, it is more interesting, adds another teacher Nisha Singh
Bagless day or regular day schools, that encourage self-study, do away with mugging and rote learning.