South Indian superstar Naga Chaitanya was seen shopping at TASVA, the men’s Indian wear brand by iconic designer Tarun Tahiliani and retail giant Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd (ABFRL), at their new store at Jayanagar, in Bengaluru. He was seen exploring the wide range, including the new summer collection, shopping for his father ahead of Father’s Day celebration.
During the shopping spree, Naga Chaitanya shared, “It has been an exceptional experience shopping at Tasva. Meeting the demands of discerning men like me- who want everything- great fit, comfort, style and understated elegance from their Indian wear is not easy. But Tasva has me completely bowled over!
I am also choosing this for my father’s day gift and I am sure he’d be delighted with the fine craftsmanship and contemporary style”
Sandeep Pal, CEO – TASVA, commented “TASVA is here to change the experience of wearing traditional and fusion Indian clothing into that of unmatched comfort with style, deftly crafted in ace designer Tarun Tahiliani’s signature style. We are delighted to bring occasion wear for the modern Indian man, whether dressing him up for his wedding or for a traditional celebration, Tasva is here to change the narrative of Indian Menswear and styling. We are on a rapid expansion mode across India to make it accessible to Indian men”
Tasva is an amalgamation of heritage and cultural wealth, that meets state-of-the-art craft and tailoring, to create the world-class TASVA fit. The idea behind the brand is to cater to the discerning man with aspirations of great quality, craftsmanship, and well-designed ethnic wear at affordable price
points. Tasva offers a fresh new take on Kurtas, Achkans, Bandhgalas, Jodhpuris, Sherwanis, and the accessories – shawls, stoles, shoes, and more in their latest collection.